Known for wearable, feminine clothing, Kuczyńska’s inspirations come courtesy of a variety of bizarre, international influences. A past collection, entitled ‘Love Hotel’ was, for instance, inspired by the novel Dance, dance, dance by Japanese author Haruki Murakami; other collections, meanwhile, have been influenced by animals, origami, fragrances, Japanese Manga, Mexican embroidery and even champagne.
She’s worked with the country’s leading graphic designers; picking up global interest and Polish awards on the way (Elle, Twoj Styl) and Polish bloggers enthuse over her message of selecting your own style, rather than adapting tastes to meet the fashion treadmill. Kuczyńska has also played around with the types of philosophy driving fashion.
Yet, despite her education and far-flung travels Kuczyńska remains a firm Polish patriot, citing Warsaw as her chosen home. She has even claimed that her color palate relates to the Polish environment; with the different shades and hues that it inspires. Indeed, her collections range from bold to somber: tans, blacks, lilacs, deep blues and oranges mix together in both loose and rigid styles. Items often follow a minimalistic design, taking on sensual and seemingly unfinished forms.