Warsaw is going green – but at what cost? A large one, as it happens. Though farmers’ markets and organic stores have caught on like wildfire, prices remain lavishly inflated. Created as an alternative to these, the Dobrze Food Co-op aims to ‘widen access to healthy, seasonal food’ while also supporting sustainable agriculture.
Founded in summer, 2014, the project collaborates with over 20 farms and local businesses and sells fresh vegetables and fruit alongside cereals, dried goods and other bits and pieces. “Our goal is to support a system of food production and distribution,” reads their mission statement, “that fulfils the democratically defined needs of food consumers and producers rather than being oriented on profit.”
After two years of successful trading at Wilcza 29A, the scheme has been pronounced such a success that a second location has now been added on Andersa 27.
For more info, check: dobrze.waw.pl