Ignore the unsavory-looking ‘night people’ that hang around outside bumming cigarettes off startled foreigners, instead plunge right in. Once serving as a children’s hospital (and allegedly haunted to high heavens by the screams of its former patients), this tenement has been repurposed as a multi-floored club that feels dank and squalid: the polar opposite of the club experience offered by The View and suchlike. The belly of the beast is a main room that rattles with domestic and international electro acts lapped up by a crowd that’s already lost its marbles by 11 p.m. And therein lies the appeal: it’s not a place dedicated to any pre-defined social group, rather a place for all: from masticating muscle men to regular people unchained from the ordinary work-a-day life. It’s Warsaw’s dirty little secret, and brilliant for it. Further upstairs, the smoking area takes on more of an after-party spirit: think of it as a recovery point for slumped-out zombies.
Nowa Jerozolima
Al. Jerozolimskie 57, facebook