Warm, welcoming woodsy finishes offset against soothing pops of sunset shades make it a place in which you want to settle in and take it slow. Checkered black-and-white floor tiles add a hint of classic bistro styling, whilst the empty pans adorning the walls stare out like blank canvases as if serving to inspire Mariusz the chef to new flights of fancy.
When co-owner Kuba’s parents learned he’d be opening a restaurant their opening gift were seventy hens to supply the eggs. “We go through about 2,000 eggs a month,” says Kuba, “so it really helps we know exactly where our food is coming from.” Working only with the most honest ingredients they can find, other sources include cheese from the Otwock legend Pani Agnieszka and sękacz from Podlasie.
The big winner on the plate? Schabowy – this flattened portion of pork is monstrous in size and marinated overnight in buttermilk ensuring that the meat stays moist and tender when fried. Coated in challah breadcrumbs mixed with dried podgrzybki (bay bolete), the flavors are electrifying. In fact, we’d go as far as to call it a world-beater – just don’t tell babcia!
None of that here – one of the guiding principles at work is a full-on dedication to the less-waste ethos. As such, find the homemade challah bread used for their ribs and oscypek sandwich incorporated also as breadcrumbs for schabowy.
(Photos: Kevin Demaria)