Where once stood a decomposing printing house, its rotting carcass taken over by pop-up stores and an industrial club, now stands a luxury apartment block with jeeps outside. Inevitably, creeping gentrification has changed Powiśle’s character, a point reflected by the growing homogeny of its local bars and restaurants. Straight from the cookie cutter, El Botellon is typical of these, a smart locale whose concrete shell is colored with strings of peppers and splashes of art: pleasant in a familiar kind of New Warsaw sense. Much more special is a menu that features snacky tapas sets, sexy canapes, Latin themed cocktails and – something to get you counting down till summer – the Botellon ice pop sticking out of a glass of wine. Coherent, consistent and well-thought out, it’s an operation that slots in smoothly with modern Powiśle.
El Botellon
ul. Solec 18, elbotellon.pl