ul. Francuska 30
On sunny weekends you’ll find Saska’s longest queues building up outside this simple, street-side cabin. With social distancing now ‘a thing’, those queues are likely to get even bigger! Everyone agrees they’re worth the time, not least for their lashings of frozen yogurt drizzled with freshly chopped fruits. And when it comes to ice cream, watch out for choices such as guava or melon.
ul. Polna 18/20
Mixing, so they say, French philosophy with New York creativity and Polish heart, a visit to Frank is like happening upon a little, local secret. The pastries are a standout, but you know what, so too is the ice cream. Pastry or ice cream? Spoil yourself: have both.
Hala Gwardii & ul. Soczi 6B
Ice Pot finished have long ranked as the Insider’s favorite scoop and this year, they’ve only gotten better. Produced by a true enthusiast, the seasonal flavors and occasionally wacky experiments (mulled wine, apple pie, etc.) never score less than a perfect ten.
ul. Narbutta 38
What is it with Mokotów and ice cream? Amid a hugely competitive field, the wide flavor choice, quality ingredients and loving hand of Jednorożec mark them a notch above their immediate competitors.
Various locations
Founded by Giacomo Canteri – who was inspired by the discovery of his grandmother’s gelato recipes in the attic – Limoni have grown to become perhaps the most high profile of Warsaw’s gelato vendors. Highly seasonal tastes are complimented by the appearance of oddities that, in the past, have included, carrot, beer and tomato. Further, they sell special dog-friendly ice cream!
ul. Świętokrzyska 30
Hailed a few years ago by Gazeta Wyborcza as Warsaw’s top ice cream, Prawdziwe’s attitude to perfection cannot be faulted. Natural, artisanal ice creams and sorbet are produced using only high-quality, proven ingredients. In terms of excellence, they’ve got it licked.
Al. Wyzwolenia 15
Named in honor of the rainbow that once stood in the center of Pl. Zbawiciela, this vibrant spot occasionally likes to push the envelope when it comes to flavors, but it’s the fruity flavors that seem to work the best: the kiwi mascarpone is another level, as is the apple sorbet.
ul. Zwycięzców 11
Frozen with liquid nitrogen, just watching the process is enough to make customers feel like they’re watching some NASA sponsored experiment. Smoother than midnight velvet, the result sees super creamy classic tastes jazzed up with sprinkles of Lion bar, Gummi Bears and other such wickedness.
ul. Brzeska 29/31
Made to Italian recipes reputed to be 160-years old (with some personal magic thrown in to boot), Pallone pride themselves on quality ingredients: chocolate from Belgian and Colombia, citrus fruits from Sicily, and the finest cream and milk you’ll find in Poland. There’s nothing too wacky about the flavor choice but the tastes will punch you out. Wow!!!
ul. Andersa 37
Although it looks rather budget-minded, Roszki have won hearts for an offer that’s especially strong on chocolate-based ice creams. The chocolate habanero comes with a fiery twist and a fan club that extends beyond Muranów’s geographic borders.
ul. Francuska 48
This hidden little treasure has emerged as our early contender as our favorite ice cream of 2020! Interesting variations such as coconut & blackberry are well received, but it’s the basics that are truly exceptional: no-one does strawberry better. Made outside of Warsaw by the owner’s parents (and to a recipe coined by the family before the war), the scoops here speak of a true labor of love: yep, we absolutely love it – and so does the Insider’s dog!
ul. Hoża 51
Set within an old dairy plant, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find The Fat Cat appearing on every rundown of local ice cream faves. Functioning doubly as a cool café dealing in specialty coffee, the scoops never disappoint with choices including dollops of ice cream sandwiched between cookies.
ul. Poznańska 26
Known as the vegan square mile on account of its proliferation of vegan restaurants and cafes, it’s no surprise to find a vegan gelato stop (‘vegelato’) opening in the area. Top marks to sugar-free creations such as the mango lass or raspberry & cardamom.
Al. Wojska Polskiego 41
The choice isn’t just vast, it’s sugar-free thanks to their commitment to using natural stevia instead. Few leave with anything but rave reviews, and their cause is furthered by an equally impressive choice of cakes and tarts. It’s a Żoliborz legend – and rightfully so.