Created for the Poster Polytechnic, the work of graphic artist Katarzyna Nowakowska found itself going viral after being seized upon by both foreign and domestic media.
Aiming to express the natural beauty of Poland, the series depicts eight distinct regions with Nowakowska describing her work as “minimalist and delicate with toned pastel colors that refer to nature.”
Promoting the nation’s gloriously wild landscapes, the idea for the collection came easily. “I love Poland,” Nowakowska tells the Insider, “and our nature inspires me every day.”
“We’ve got beautiful landscapes,” she continues, “and I love observing the world around me: the colors, textures, details and shapes found in our rich variety of fauna and flora.”
“I think a good poster should evoke emotions and affect the imagination,” she continues. “Further, I think it should be simple and the content both clear and concise.”
Nowakowska’s posters have proved exactly just that, a point affirmed by their popularity.
Nowakowska’s posters have proved exactly just that, a point affirmed by their popularity.
“Poles are very attached to their beloved regions, and I think this series reflects their soothing nature.”
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