Sourced from American and British archives, the photographs chiefly show aerial shots taken by the Luftwaffe before and after the insurgency.
Sourced from American and British archives, the photographs chiefly show aerial shots taken by the Luftwaffe before and after the insurgency.
Presented as part of the Korzenie Miasta project, many of these photos have been presented in an interactive map format that allows visitors to the website to compare the city at different stages during the conflict.
Featuring also present-day aerial views, the collection offers a staggering insight into the city’s step-by-step destruction.
“These photos are a last look at a Warsaw that ceased to exist,” says Jan Ołdakowski, the director of the Warsaw Uprising Museum. “Hidden in these photos is a great wealth of information and emotion.”
Intriguingly, such is the detail that those viewing the collection can make out which existing trees survived the insurrection. Moreover, other elements such as barricades and tramlines can also be noted.
Matched also with stunning then-and-now shots and in-depth write-ups referring to several significant landmarks, the stunning project can be viewed in three languages (Polish, English, German) at:
(All images taken from Korzenie Miasta)